How to Create SCCM Application for Rapid7 Insight Agent

Rapid7 Insight agent is not an easy application to pack via SCCM 🙂

For detection rule, I have tried a few times, and here is the working one: (If you tried to use file detection rule, even if exists, sometimes it broke during self update process, and the service is not running, you got the wrong compliance report).

$Result = Get-Service ir_agent -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select Status
$Result = $Result.Status

if ($Result -eq “Running”)
{Write-Host -Object “Installed”}


And for installation, we have to first remove any old existing entries, otherwise it won't install

REM Rapid7 Agent Install
REM by Rui Qiu
REM 6/3/2020
REM 2/23/2022

msiexec /x old.msi /l*v remove.log /quiet
REM reg query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Installer\Products\ /f “Rapid7 Insight Agent” /s
reg delete “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Installer\Products\C4047A5E88D2C1C40839B16EE92CC042” /f
reg delete “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Rapid7″ /f

msiexec /i agentInstaller-x86_64.msi /l*v insight_agent_install_log.log /quiet CUSTOMTOKEN=us:05ef2af1-11bd-4d6e-b003-0b83979625a1 CUSTOMCONFIGPATH=”C:\Windows\Temp”


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