We have an office having issues with SCCM client auto install via group policy.
Every time a machine is online, and ccmseutp tried to install the sccm agent, it failed with code 403, cannot find SCCM Distribution points. However the other locations are fine. and I checked all the DPs, boundary groups..seems all good.
Since the issue came from the CCM_POST ‘HTTP://xxx.com/ccm_system/request', I think may from there. so I pasted that link in IE, and I got access denied.
Then I tried these two just to check MP:
Looks like something wrong with my MP?
I rebooted the SCCM server. no luck…
then went to IIS Manager, and checked the IIS settings..seems all good…
IIS logs: C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC1
I removed MP and re-install MP…still no good 🙁
MP logs: MPControl.log , MPsetup.log, MPmsi.log
I tried to specified the ccmsetup commandline to :
ccmsetup.exe /mp:https://mpFQDN SMSSITECODE:XXX
Still not working…
Finally, I got a call with Microsoft support, and after 4h troubleshooting…he found out that CCM_POST ‘HTTP://xxx.com/ccm_system/request' was using http, however our environment was using https, so it should be sent as CCM_POST ‘HTTPS://xxx.com/ccm_system/request'…
After a few testings, we used the full ccmsetup command line:
ccmsetup.exe /usepkicert ccmhttpsport=443 /mp:https://mpFQDN SMSSITECODE:XXX
PS. It was quite frustrating to see that I cannot find”ccmhttpsport” this switch from internet…LOL
And now the issue fixed! Pulling request from https instead of http….
A few good readings: