Azure AD Connector 8344 Permission Issue

If you see some user has 8344 permission issues on your Azure AD Connector log, the fix is simple:

Enable AD Inheritance on all users in an OU and all sub OUs

<# Purpose: To enable inheritance for all AD users in the specified OU and all sub-OUs.
Author: Michael Kenning ([email protected])
Version: 1.1 (release)
Updated: 21 FEB 2015
Notes: Change variables as needed
$searchOU = "ou=OUNAME,dc=DOMAIN,dc=COM"
$users = Get-ADUser -ldapfilter "(objectclass=user)" -searchbase $searchOU
$changed = 0
$same = 0
ForEach($user in $users)
    # -- Get the full path to the user object
    $ou = [ADSI]("LDAP://" + $user)
    # -- Get the security information for the user object
    $sec = $ou.psbase.objectSecurity
    # -- Change the security settings for the user
    if ($sec.get_AreAccessRulesProtected())
        $isProtected = $false           ## allows inheritance
        $preserveInheritance = $true    ## preserve inherited rules
        # -- Make the change!
        $sec.SetAccessRuleProtection($isProtected, $preserveInheritance)
        # -- Let the console know that the user was changed
        Write-Host "$user is now inheriting permissions";
        # -- Increment the changed user count
        $changed += 1
        # -- Let the console know that the user didn't need to be changed
        Write-Host "$User Inheritable Permission already set"
        # -- Increment the unchanged user count
        $same += 1
# -- Give a summary of changes
Write-host "The number of changed users is $changed"
Write-host "The number of unchanged users is $same"

Additional Reference:

Azure AD Sync Connect issue with permission error 8344 – Microsoft Q&A


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