I have lots of scheduled PowerShell script running regularly. This code will show all the Powershell running result log via webpage online.
# Powershell Script Running Log Viewer
# Rui Qiu
# 9/3/2021
$Session:value = "SCCM-backup.log"
# Selector to choose the log
New-UDSingleSelector -Id "list" -options {
@{ value = "SCCM-backup.log"; label = "SCCM Site Backup" },
@{ value = "awsday1.log"; label = "Internal Workspace Day 1" },
@{ value = "awsday2.log"; label = "Internal Workspace Day 2" },
@{ value = "awsreboot.log"; label = "Internal Workspace Reboot" },
@{ value = "externaL.log"; label = "External Workspace" }
@{ value = "externalreboot.log"; label = "External Workspace Reboot" }
@{ value = "serverreboot.log"; label = "Server Reboot" }
# One line for spacing
New-UDElement -tag 'div' -attributes @{
style = @{
height = '10px'
# Button to get the result
New-UDButton -Text "Get Report" -OnClick {
$UDElement = Get-UDElement -id "list"
Show-UDToast -Message "You have selected $Session:value" -Duration 5000
Sync-UDElement -Id 'list'
# Display the result
New-UDDynamic -Id 'list' -Content {
$path = "\\xxx\C$\Temp\$Session:value"
$result = "<font face='monospace'>$(Get-Content $path | ForEach-Object {"$($_ -replace '\s',' ') <br/>"})</font>"
New-UDCard -Title 'Results' -Content {
New-UDHtml -Markup $result